The Art of the Virtual Coffee Date

If you are thinking about advancing your career or are currently job searching, it is likely that you have been thinking about networking. Networking via industry networking events are a great way to connect with professionals in your field whether or not you are job searching. When job searching, you can use these events as ways to find out about openings or meet people who are working at the companies you are interested in. 

Authenticity at Work – Being Your True Self

Work-life balance has become a trending topic over the years, as people work to find ways to integrate their personal lives and professional lives. It is worth reflecting on the fact that the 40-hour workweek started during a time when the cultural norm was that one individual in the household (typically a man) would work and the other spouse (typically a woman) would be responsible for homemaking and child rearing. Since then, cultural norms have shifted quite a bit.