Thriving in Times of Change

When things change at work, it is normal to have strong feelings about it. Changes such as a new manager, new leaders in administration, or a new process or policy can leave us feeling off kilter. Change in the workplace can bring about all sorts of feelings, it can feel scary and unsettling. What we once trusted as the norm is thrown off and it can leave us (and our job) feeling threatened. 

Authenticity at Work – Being Your True Self

Work-life balance has become a trending topic over the years, as people work to find ways to integrate their personal lives and professional lives. It is worth reflecting on the fact that the 40-hour workweek started during a time when the cultural norm was that one individual in the household (typically a man) would work and the other spouse (typically a woman) would be responsible for homemaking and child rearing. Since then, cultural norms have shifted quite a bit.